Avoid problems with professional printer support

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Avoid problems with professional printer support

Printer leasing is a solution that allows you to rent computer and office equipment for a specific period of time, in our case: renting a professional printer. This formula is particularly suitable for companies which do not need this equipment permanently or which wish to have the best possible equipment without having to maintain it themselves. Indeed, renting a printer or photocopier can be an interesting solution for businesses that need this equipment occasionally. Printer leasing is therefore entirely suitable for the majority of businesses in Belgium!
Man following the instructions to use his professional printer

Why choose printer leasing?

Rent your professional printer allows you to benefit from the following advantages: You no longer worry about purchasing, maintaining and replacing toners. You don’t have to worry about recycling or waste treatment. You are free to use your equipment as you wish, while benefiting from specific conditions linked to the use you make of the equipment. Thus, if this equipment is used to produce large volume prints (thousands per month), the contract includes a guarantee against breakdowns and even some also against theft insurance. If you currently have one or more printers and breakdowns are frequent, it may be interesting to opt for a printer lease over several years. This will guarantee you a lower reimbursement rate per month than if you had taken a shorter duration but above all it will allow you to benefit from special assistance from companies that are experts in professional printers. Finally, when the equipment is intended for intensive use, the ideal is to opt for several printers if space allows.

The different types of printer leasing

Clearly, in the majority of businesses, as a professional: you need a printer. Acquiring this professional tool can be expensive for a company, but it is possible to opt for printer leasing. Leasing is a rental contract concluded by which the tenant (the professional) pays rent and returns the rented object at the end of the contract. There are different types of leasing:

  • Financial leasing which allows the professional to pay monthly payments over a fixed period, in return for the payment of a fixed rent.
  • Operational leasing which consists of acquiring an asset without having to pay VAT and the costs linked to its acquisition. This type of financing does not necessarily include payment of costs linked to its use (maintenance, consumables, etc.).
  • Recovery leasing which offers complete guarantees (supplier debts) concerning equipment purchased through leasing. In this case, the lessee is responsible for repaying the rented equipment himself via a predefined deadline.

Who are the main printer leasing providers?

Printing is one of the most important elements in every business. Indeed, it is essential to be able to print all types of documents on different formats in order to be able to work efficiently. However, the price can sometimes prove to be an obstacle for a company wishing to purchase a professional printer. Printer leasing providers therefore offer solutions adapted to the specific needs of companies and professionals in the printing world. Financial rental or printer leasing consists of renting a professional printer against the monthly payment of a fixed rent defined upon signing the contract. The expected rental amount may vary depending on the initial price of the printer, the service offered and the duration chosen by the customer. When you opt for this type of offer, you do not need to make a large investment upfront. In addition, this allows companies in the field of IT or office automation services to focus on the skills that constitute their strength, rather than those that constitute their weak point. Furthermore, financial leasing presents various advantages for the customer: It firstly allows the lessee-operator (company) having acquired a new machine via this financing system to ensure that it will always have the technical resources necessary for the proper operation of the equipment for the entire duration agreed by contract (generally 3-5 years).

If there is a problem, how do I call a technician?

Faced with the technical problems that may arise, you should know that most of the time, failures of your professional printer are due to a human problem or due to use. To avoid being confronted with this type of problem, it is important to opt for assistance with your leasing formula. So, in the event of a breakdown, where the easiest thing would have been to contact the manufacturer to make an appointment with a technician, you just need to call a number and professionals will come and resolve the problem. The professional will offer you a quick and efficient intervention so that you can regain all the functionalities of your machine. Repairing technical breakdowns is often included if it does not require sending the equipment to the manufacturer. If this should happen, you should know that there are alternative solutions for calling after-sales service (after-sales service). In short, printer leasing is a solution that allows you to equip yourself with printers without having to pay too much money. Printer leasing allows you to rent the device for a given period, generally from 12 months to 5 years, then buy it back at the end of the contract. When you choose printer leasing, you need to look at whether the technicians are available quickly and whether they work throughout Belgium.