Should you Buy or Rent a professional printer?

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Are you looking for a printer for your business? Know that renting is an economical way to acquire a professional printer. However, you should know that renting a printer can ultimately be more expensive than purchasing it. To give you an idea, we will see how to rent or buy a professional printer.
Man hesitating between buying or renting a printer

What is the main advantage of renting a professional printer?

The main advantage of investing in a professional printer is not having to buy a new machine when it breaks down. In fact, most of the time these are machines that have already proven themselves to the companies that have acquired them. These machines are therefore very often in perfect condition and can therefore be used for several more years. There rental of a professional printer also allows you to make considerable savings in the long term, since you will be able to rent a machine that you do not need all the time. The main advantage of rent a professional printer is therefore simply to be able to benefit from equipment at the best possible price, which will always be functional because it often has a maintenance contract with it! You can also do something for the planet by opting for this solution!

Why is it better to buy a professional printer?

The professional printer is today an essential piece of equipment for businesses. Using a professional printer allows companies to achieve significant productivity gains, but also to improve their image. In fact, purchasing a professional printer helps enhance your company’s brand image. So what are the benefits of using a professional printer? To begin with, acquiring a professional printer allows businesses to improve their productivity and efficiency. This results in a significant gain in the quality of the work carried out and the speed of the tasks to be accomplished.

When you invest in a new business printer, it will typically be more powerful and versatile than the ones you currently own. As a result, it will allow your company to produce better quality documents and they will be processed more quickly by your employees who will therefore be less stressed. Users will obviously appreciate this improvement in comfort at work! Furthermore, by opting for a multifunction printer coupled with a fax or even a scanner, you can transmit information to customers (e-mail) easily and directly from your workstation without having to go out to collect physical mail or digital.

What is the average monthly cost of renting a professional printer?

Professional printers are essential tools for a business. If you want to buy a printer, there are certain details to consider before you get started. The first thing to consider is the overall cost of the device. It can be difficult to choose a printer that is inexpensive, but also not too expensive. To do this, you can consult the comments and experiences of other users to find the model suited to your needs.

You will also need to consider whether your device should be multipurpose or just for personal use. Professional multifunction printers are particularly good if you need to perform several tasks simultaneously, such as scanning and copying a paper document or storing documents on a computer. A laser printer is particularly suitable for large loads and large volumes, because it offers better performance than a conventional inkjet printer.

Laser models generally produce less noise and don’t use as much ink as a traditional color laser printer. However, they produce less high-quality color printing than monochrome versions. You will also need to take into consideration the price of toner and paper when making your final choice. The average monthly price varies significantly depending on the type of machine, the maintenance contract and the duration of the contract.

How much does it cost to maintain a professional printer?

The professional printer is an essential tool in the business environment. In particular, it allows you to print documents and send them quickly to your customers or prospects using scanning. If you are an IT manager, the question of the cost of professional printers no longer even arises, because it is an investment that must be profitable over time. Suppliers today offer different models of professional printers that are adapted to the specific needs of businesses.

The price of a professional printer varies according to several criteria:

The brand : Manufacturers always tend to highlight their flagship products to justify their high price compared to a lesser-known brand. However, you should know that some brands are more expensive than others for similar quality and vice versa.

Technology : The current state of technology also partly explains the price differences observed on the market. The more efficient a printer is, the more expensive it will be to purchase or use (for example resolution). The cost of maintaining a printer essentially depends on the type of device chosen (monochrome or multifunction) and also on its brand, but also on the accessories it has (additional paper tray, etc.). In any case, taking proper care of your computer equipment is essential so that it can perform its role for a long time.

How much does the paper cost for a professional printer?

Professional printers are some of the most used IT equipment within a company. In fact, they save time and reduce expenses. However, it is important to have a substantial budget for the purchase of such a printer. To help you choose the best model, we have carried out a comparison of the different types of printers available on the market: inkjet, monochrome or color laser… This comparison takes into account the technical characteristics as well as the price of the different models. . The disadvantages of using professional printer paper? Contrary to popular belief, the cost of paper was not taken into account when comparing the prices of different types of professional printers.

You should know that this is the most important budget item for this type of device. The cost of paper can vary greatly depending on the quality required by the user and the quantity used per month (a roll or a reel). For example, a roll will cost much less than a reel which will itself be less expensive than a large format general roll…

What is the average total cost per month of a professional printer (rental, maintenance, paper)?

To get a precise price based on your needs, contact us at This includes rental (minimum duration), maintenance and paper. This price does not include ink cartridges, which can be very expensive.

Keep in mind that the professional printer is designed to last longer and pays for itself over a much longer period of time. Additionally, you need a printer that can print professional quality photos and graphics to get a good result. For various reasons, many businesses opt for printer rental instead of purchasing.

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