Is professional printer leasing possible with all types of printers?

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Is professional printer leasing possible with all types of printers?

You certainly know this, but leasing is a rental contract which allows you to use a property in return for the payment of an amount such as the equivalent of real estate rent. This is a very interesting solution for professionals who wish to acquire equipment without having to pay the full price of the purchase. Leasing is possible with all types of printers, whatever the brand, but you must take into account certain criteria to choose the contract suited to your needs.
Business owner who has just signed a leasing contract for professional printers

What is professional printer leasing?

L’professional printer has a much longer lifespan than mainstream models. It allows for significant savings in the long term. When investing in professional equipment, it is essential to take into account the duration of use of the latter. Leasing allows you to rent your equipment to a company and thus pay the initial cost and expenses related to the project while having the possibility of purchasing the equipment when the contract comes to an end. Indeed, this formula allows professionals, particularly VSEs or SMEs, to not have to pay capital to finance their IT equipment. The company purchasing the printer chooses the duration of the contract (generally 12 to 60 months) and can even opt for partial or total financing of the purchased equipment.

What are the advantages of leasing a professional printer?

In 2022, more and more companies will turn to a professional printer leasing solution. This financial option allows businesses to benefit from a professional printer without the burden of the initial payment. It is possible to opt for a rental contract which can be concluded for a fixed or indefinite period. Leasing offers the advantage of being able to finance the acquisition of a professional printer through a kind of leasing, thus avoiding the costs linked to the repurchase and resale of goods. This operation can be carried out on new or reconditioned goods. When you opt for this financial solution, it is important to take into account different criteria so that the contract is suitable: The choice of type of financing (financial rental or leasing); There duration of contract (determined or indefinite duration); The conditions relating to the property (purchase option); The possibility of setting up a annual technical inspection ; The possibility of changing the supplier if the manufacturer does not meet expectations; The amount of monthly fees as well as additional charges (if they exist).

What are the disadvantages of leasing a professional printer?

The advantages of professional printer leasing are numerous. Printer leasing is a solution that is both practical and economical, which allows you to benefit from the best equipment and renew it over the years. However, leasing a professional printer can also be associated with certain disadvantages. The main disadvantage of rented professional printers is their high monthly cost. Although the price of the printer is not very high, it does not constitute a barrier for most companies, because the investment is amortized over several years. On the other hand, if the costs associated with the purchase represent a significant part of the monthly budget devoted to printing, it will be difficult to justify such an investment. Renting also often generates significant additional costs: filing fees (so that the device is made available to you), insurance costs (if you opt for an all-inclusive plan), etc. When you rent a professional printer, you will also have to pay various other costs: costs related to used cartridges or toners (cartridges must be replaced regularly) and other administrative services (CONTRACT…).

What is the cost of leasing a professional printer?

It is important for a business to choose a professional printer model that meets its needs. Furthermore, you also need to know the cost of leasing a professional printer. In this context, we will explain to you how to calculate the cost of leasing a professional printer and what other advantages the company can obtain from leasing. Indeed, the primary goal of leasing financing is to provide a simple and easy way to finance any type of computer or office equipment. Companies can opt either for financial leasing or for cash purchase depending on the real needs in terms of IT and office equipment. For the calculation, it is necessary to take into consideration the total cost of interest paid by the company during the rental period because it varies according to several parameters:

  • The duration of the contract
  • The useful life of the equipment
  • Personal use or not

The costs linked to leasing financing vary greatly and include in particular the following costs:

  • Annual Percentage Rate (APR)
  • Additional costs (additional administrative costs.)

You should therefore contact your bank to obtain a personalized quote including these various costs linked to leasing financing.

Is professional printer leasing easy to set up?

This is a question that many professionals ask themselves when they want to purchase a printer. Is it easy to rent or buy a professional printer? The answer is yes… and no, hence the presence of our service. For more information, contact us!

What are the other options for professional printers?

If you are wondering if there are other options than buying or leasing a professional printer, the answer is yes! There are several options for professional printers. You can turn to printers for individuals. If you choose a laser printer, be sure to check the quality of the printer before purchasing it. Laser printers tend to be less expensive than other types of printers, but they use toner that is thrown away when not used. Ink cartridges can be expensive and are often difficult to find. There are also cheaper versions of color inkjet models, which means they cannot produce as many pages as their black and white counterparts. Before investing in a lower-end printer, consult the documentation to find out if it will be compatible with your company’s machines and if it will be sufficient to properly run your business (waiting times, breakdowns, etc.). Finally, it is important to carefully review the technical features and specifications before making a final decision on the type of printer you will need for your business. Indeed, printer leasing is possible with all types of printers. There are no particular restrictions. Of course, a printer for €200 unless it is worth leasing