Non classé – Photocopieurs | Location & Leasing d'imprimantes professionnelles Thu, 12 Sep 2024 08:36:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Non classé – Photocopieurs | Location & Leasing d'imprimantes professionnelles 32 32 Should you Buy or Rent a professional printer? Thu, 12 Sep 2024 08:36:53 +0000

Should you Buy or Rent a professional printer?

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Are you looking for a printer for your business? Know that renting is an economical way to acquire a professional printer. However, you should know that renting a printer can ultimately be more expensive than purchasing it. To give you an idea, we will see how to rent or buy a professional printer.
Man hesitating between buying or renting a printer

What is the main advantage of renting a professional printer?

The main advantage of investing in a professional printer is not having to buy a new machine when it breaks down. In fact, most of the time these are machines that have already proven themselves to the companies that have acquired them. These machines are therefore very often in perfect condition and can therefore be used for several more years. There rental of a professional printer also allows you to make considerable savings in the long term, since you will be able to rent a machine that you do not need all the time. The main advantage of rent a professional printer is therefore simply to be able to benefit from equipment at the best possible price, which will always be functional because it often has a maintenance contract with it! You can also do something for the planet by opting for this solution!

Why is it better to buy a professional printer?

The professional printer is today an essential piece of equipment for businesses. Using a professional printer allows companies to achieve significant productivity gains, but also to improve their image. In fact, purchasing a professional printer helps enhance your company’s brand image. So what are the benefits of using a professional printer? To begin with, acquiring a professional printer allows businesses to improve their productivity and efficiency. This results in a significant gain in the quality of the work carried out and the speed of the tasks to be accomplished.

When you invest in a new business printer, it will typically be more powerful and versatile than the ones you currently own. As a result, it will allow your company to produce better quality documents and they will be processed more quickly by your employees who will therefore be less stressed. Users will obviously appreciate this improvement in comfort at work! Furthermore, by opting for a multifunction printer coupled with a fax or even a scanner, you can transmit information to customers (e-mail) easily and directly from your workstation without having to go out to collect physical mail or digital.

What is the average monthly cost of renting a professional printer?

Professional printers are essential tools for a business. If you want to buy a printer, there are certain details to consider before you get started. The first thing to consider is the overall cost of the device. It can be difficult to choose a printer that is inexpensive, but also not too expensive. To do this, you can consult the comments and experiences of other users to find the model suited to your needs.

You will also need to consider whether your device should be multipurpose or just for personal use. Professional multifunction printers are particularly good if you need to perform several tasks simultaneously, such as scanning and copying a paper document or storing documents on a computer. A laser printer is particularly suitable for large loads and large volumes, because it offers better performance than a conventional inkjet printer.

Laser models generally produce less noise and don’t use as much ink as a traditional color laser printer. However, they produce less high-quality color printing than monochrome versions. You will also need to take into consideration the price of toner and paper when making your final choice. The average monthly price varies significantly depending on the type of machine, the maintenance contract and the duration of the contract.

How much does it cost to maintain a professional printer?

The professional printer is an essential tool in the business environment. In particular, it allows you to print documents and send them quickly to your customers or prospects using scanning. If you are an IT manager, the question of the cost of professional printers no longer even arises, because it is an investment that must be profitable over time. Suppliers today offer different models of professional printers that are adapted to the specific needs of businesses.

The price of a professional printer varies according to several criteria:

The brand : Manufacturers always tend to highlight their flagship products to justify their high price compared to a lesser-known brand. However, you should know that some brands are more expensive than others for similar quality and vice versa.

Technology : The current state of technology also partly explains the price differences observed on the market. The more efficient a printer is, the more expensive it will be to purchase or use (for example resolution). The cost of maintaining a printer essentially depends on the type of device chosen (monochrome or multifunction) and also on its brand, but also on the accessories it has (additional paper tray, etc.). In any case, taking proper care of your computer equipment is essential so that it can perform its role for a long time.

How much does the paper cost for a professional printer?

Professional printers are some of the most used IT equipment within a company. In fact, they save time and reduce expenses. However, it is important to have a substantial budget for the purchase of such a printer. To help you choose the best model, we have carried out a comparison of the different types of printers available on the market: inkjet, monochrome or color laser… This comparison takes into account the technical characteristics as well as the price of the different models. . The disadvantages of using professional printer paper? Contrary to popular belief, the cost of paper was not taken into account when comparing the prices of different types of professional printers.

You should know that this is the most important budget item for this type of device. The cost of paper can vary greatly depending on the quality required by the user and the quantity used per month (a roll or a reel). For example, a roll will cost much less than a reel which will itself be less expensive than a large format general roll…

What is the average total cost per month of a professional printer (rental, maintenance, paper)?

To get a precise price based on your needs, contact us at This includes rental (minimum duration), maintenance and paper. This price does not include ink cartridges, which can be very expensive.

Keep in mind that the professional printer is designed to last longer and pays for itself over a much longer period of time. Additionally, you need a printer that can print professional quality photos and graphics to get a good result. For various reasons, many businesses opt for printer rental instead of purchasing.

Do you want to rent a professional printer? Complete our form and obtain a free quote And without commitment for one or more copiers to rent wherever you are in Belgium!

How many prints can I make with a professional printer? Thu, 12 Sep 2024 08:36:45 +0000

Although it is difficult to give a precise figure because it varies greatly from one professional printer to another. It depends on the model and quality of the ink cartridges used. Inkjet printers are best suited for this type of work, as they produce high quality prints. We will see in a little more detail how it happens.
Employees who calculate their consumption with their printer fleet

How many prints can I make with a professional printer?

With a professional printer, you can typically produce 20 pages per minute. A powerful print engine and highly efficient ink cartridges are essential criteria for optimal performance. However, it is also important to consider the cost of the printer, especially if you need a multifunction printer that can act as both a scanner and a copier. It is possible to obtain excellent print quality at a very affordable cost. To do this, you can choose your printer according to the printing volume you will need: common prints or large prints (important files). When choosing your model, consider the total number of users intended for the printer (people using the printer in the office or at home). The more people using the printer at work or at home, the more productive and efficient it should be. So choose a model capable of meeting the needs of the most demanding users.

What is the print quality of the professional printer?

Print quality directly depends on the type of paper to use and the type of printer. Printing can be double-sided, single-sided or without printing. All prints are made in black and white except for laser printers which allow color reproduction. Some professional printers are only compatible with specific papers like coated paper, recycled paper, etc.

It is possible to use any surface or any other material for printing: newsprint, foam board, vinyl, etc. Print quality varies depending on the brand and model of the professional printer. The following criteria make it possible to assess the quality of the printing: Quality of color rendering: The color rendering must be optimal and equivalent to that of the original document (when this is not possible, a photo must be provided). Image quality: The resolution is important to guarantee clear and precise printing over the entire surface supported by the professional printer. The maximum sheet size accepted will depend on your inkjet or laser printer but also on your screen (computer). You can also check this information on the technical sheet available on the manufacturer’s website or directly on the product sheet purchased via our Website.

Is the professional printer easy to use?

Is a professional printer easy to use? The answer is yes. For businesses, it is essential to have a good printer to buy or rent. Whether for personal or professional use, the printer is the main tool for producing documents. This machine can be adapted according to personal and professional needs, but you will first need to know what the technical characteristics of this device are. The professional printer comes in different models. The choice of your printer will mainly depend on the type of use you wish to make of it: for personal use or for professional use (printing documents, printing photos.). When it comes to printing quality and speed, you should know that several criteria come into play.

You will therefore need to check the power of the processor as well as its resolution in order to obtain optimal printing. Before purchasing a printer, be sure to take into account several criteria such as: the desired use (for personal use or for professional use), the number of copies per page (generally 5 pages minimum), connectivity (USB 2.)

What are the costs of printing with a professional printer?

Professional printers are very popular work tools because they provide optimal print quality. Professional printers may have a higher cost, but they also deliver remarkable results. Their print quality is generally excellent and the cartridges can be replaced quickly. Another important advantage: professional printers offer several connection options, allowing users to choose the solution that best suits their specific needs. Business printers are typically connected by Ethernet or USB cable and work with Windows® 10, 8.1 and 7, Mac OS X 10.10 or later (except HP LaserJet M125nw models).

Are there any benefits to using a professional printer?

A professional printer can be a very useful tool for small business work. It saves time and money, which can help you optimize your productivity. When using a professional printer, it is important to know all of its features in order to obtain the best possible print quality. There are different types of professional printers on the market: Multifunction printers (MFPs) are versatile devices that allow you to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. They generally have impressive capacities and have the particularity of being able to accommodate a variety of different peripherals. Monochrome or color laser printers are specially designed to quickly produce black and white or color documents, without the need for additional adjustments.

MFPs sometimes also offer the possibility of enlarging the images displayed on the device so that they are pleasant to view on paper or on screen. MFPs also allow automatic double-sided printing and often offer an integrated fax module to facilitate sending documents by traditional postal mail (with a voice message). The cost is generally lower than that of traditional models but it does not offer as many features and the final quality is not always there.

Is the professional printer recommended for large format printers?

Professional printers are recommended for large format printing jobs, as they provide high quality printing. Professional printers ensure the printing of quality documents and meet user requirements in terms of speed and ergonomics. They can be connected to a local or wireless network in order to be operated by several users and/or several groups. The professional printer is designed to work with different types of paper (weight, thickness, etc.), which allows the rapid production of a wide variety of documents such as posters, leaflets, posters, etc.

The professional printer is equipped with a high-resolution system which guarantees good color reproduction and offers excellent image quality (color, black, white). It is available in different models: monochrome or color. There are also different types of multifunctions: office or copier-scanner-fax-photocopier. This equipment is adapted to the needs of companies wishing to streamline their printing with significant time savings while preserving the quality of the printed document.

What brand of professional printer do you recommend?

For businesses, the printer is essential equipment for printing documents. For professionals and individuals alike, there is today a wide range of inkjet and laser printers, with various functionalities. This means that there are different models to suit everyone’s needs. 3D printers are also very popular these days. Whatever brand you choose, we can provide you with tailor-made and personalized advice. We study your actual consumption in order to offer you the best model that exactly matches your needs while respecting your budget.

What are the most important features for a professional printer Thu, 12 Sep 2024 08:36:42 +0000

THE professional printers are essential tools for businesses. They allow you to print many documents, but also to scan and copy documents.

THE Features vary depending on the model chosen. This is why, on, Let’s see together what are the most important features for a professional printer.
Illustration of the functionalities of a printer (pro)

What is a professional printer?

A professional printer is an essential tool for businesses, because it allows you to produce prints of professional quality. Printers are typically used by only one person at a time, making them a very convenient tool. If you wish to purchase a printer, it is important that you familiarize yourself with the criteria to take into account. The choice of printer should not be taken lightly, as this device can be very useful for your business.

It is therefore important that you find the right model best suited to your needs and that it is sufficiently powerful to be able to support several intensive uses. Indeed, if your company does not need to use its printing equipment frequently, then you might as well opt for a less expensive and less efficient machine. Price can also be an important criterion : the lower prices may be suitable for small structures which only use the printer occasionally. However, as your business grows and its printing needs increase, it will be necessary to choose a more efficient and more expensive printer, in order to provide superior quality renderings to the clients or prospects with whom you work. work.

Why is it important to have a professional printer?

There are obvious benefits to using this device. When you choose a suitable model, it will be easier for your business to work and operate.increase your productivity. Today, businesses are required to meet tight deadlines and must focus on their core business. Many businesses simply cannot afford the luxury of having an in-house IT department handling their printing needs. This means that most rely heavily on external IT to get the printing they need. However, it is essential that prints are processed quickly so that they are delivered when they are needed

How can a professional printer improve your business?

The printer is essential equipment for any business! For example, it allows scan invoices or contracts. It can also help you carry out many other jobs, especially if you work in the construction or craft sector. The printer is essential equipment for companies that want to keep track of their activities and want to guarantee the quality of their services. This device makes it possible in particular to reduce the risks linked to non-compliance with contractual deadlines, delays or poor quality of the finished product.

It is therefore an essential tool for ensure customer satisfaction and the sustainability of the company. There are different types of printers: Multifunction printers which allow users to perform multiple tasks (printing, copying, scanning), laser printers which are ideal for black and white documents and inkjet printers which are perfect for photos and color documents. The choice of model must be made according to the specific needs of each company, but it is important that this machine is compatible with its computer system existing so that it can be easily used by all staff.

Why should you consider investing in a professional printer?

Most companies are equipped with photocopiers and printers, but they are not all equipped with security systems.high quality printing.

When you invest in a high-quality printing system, your business can print faster and cheaper. Photocopiers and laser printers tend to produce lower quality prints than multifunction systems that combine document processing with the copier function. Additionally, when you purchase a multifunction system, you can benefit from the professional services provided by the manufacturer. These services include installation of equipment, training on the features of the new system and technical assistance to resolve any problems.

Which professional printer is best for your business?

If you do not want to invest in a network printing system, it is recommended to opt for a desktop printer, particularly if your company is required to carry out one-off or occasional work. If you have to print daily, it is better to opt for a multifunction printer. A professional printer has many advantages : it allows you to obtain superior quality printing, whatever the type of document. It comes in the form of a multifunction device and can be connected to the company’s computer network. Its connection to the network offers the possibility ofprint from any computer network station, which allows processing times to be optimized (productivity gain).

The professional printer can work on different types of paper and guarantees the security of documents thanks to its integrated anti-piracy device (for more information regarding the different types of paper compatible with a professional printer, consult our guide “Which paper to choose?”).

What are the advantages of a professional printer?

Having a professional printer is necessary to ensure the success of any business. This equipment allows in particular the printing of documents, but it also offers a multitude of other functionalities. Indeed, professional printers are equipped with multiple options that allow an individual or a company to benefit from a wide choice of printing.

Professional printers are essential equipment to ensure the success of commercial and industrial activities. This type of printer is capable ofprint multiple sheets at once and that, very quickly. This characteristic allows companies and businesses to be able to cope with their workload without great difficulty. Furthermore, this type of device can be connected to a computer so that you can print via your computer and this without having to resort to another additional device. There are different types of professional printers on the market today: Monochrome printers which only allow printing in black and white; Multifunction photocopiers which are capable of performing several tasks such as printing, copying or even scanning; Scanners that allow users to quickly scan documents papers; And finally faxes which ensure the rapid transmission of documents to the outside world electronically.

To conclude, to choose a professional printer, you must define your needs and above all your selection criteria. It is necessary to take into account the printing speed, there quality, THE number of pages per minute (ppm), there paper tray size, THE ink cartridge type used and of course the price.

What are the main advantages of a professional printer Thu, 12 Sep 2024 08:36:38 +0000

Printing is a key element of business communication, it allows the dissemination of essential information and professional documents. As in different sectors, there are printers for all needs and budgets. L’professional printer is an essential tool for businesses that want to communicate effectively. This article aims to present to you the main advantages of a professional printer.

What is a professional printer?

Professional printers are essential tools for businesses. The choice of printer has a direct impact on productivity, the quality and cost of your prints. It is therefore important to choose the model that suits your activity. Professional printers are divided into several categories:

Monochrome laser printer:

This is a printer intended for simple and repetitive work, such as internal reports or newsletters. The main advantage of this type of printer is that it can be used by several people simultaneously. Printing is fast and doesn’t require a lot of downtime.

Color laser printer:

She allows you to print a large number of pages, which makes it the ideal tool for launching an advertising campaign, for example, or for companies requiring significant internal production of documents (annual reports, commercial brochures, etc.). It is also the ideal model if you wish to offer your customers or suppliers the advantages linked to the speed and quality of printing (commercial brochures, advertising leaflets, etc.).

Multifunction printer:

It combines several functions (copier/scanner/printer) so that its use is simplified for employees. Of course, we are talking here about a professional multifunction printer that can offer a wide range of services in record time and has a lower price per print.

Why is a professional printer beneficial?

A professional printer is beneficial for a business, but also for certain individuals. It is equipment that can be used in many areas. Simply choose the model that suits your needs. For most businesses, the printer is an essential daily tool. In fact, this makes it possible to save time and improve employee productivity. In addition, the majority of documents are digitized so that they can be stored on a server or in the Cloud. Thus, they are accessible from any mobile terminal (smartphone or tablet).

The printer can sometimes be used to print directly from your computer or to send faxes in PDF easily and quickly. It also offers great flexibility: automatic double-sided printing possible depending on the printing work to be carried out; possibility of adding additional ink cartridges; simple and intuitive use thanks to easily installable drivers and software…

What are the features of a professional printer that make it advantageous?

A professional printer is an essential tool for business. It plays an important role in its functioning and it contributes to its growth. A professional printer should be chosen carefully, as it can save you time by allowing you to print more quickly and efficiently. If you need to choose a professional printer, it is important that you take the time to consider the different options available to you. Also take the time to research information on different manufacturers to find out if they are trustworthy and offer reliable, durable and efficient products… or go through ! We will do the comparison for you!

Here is a list that might help you determine which type of printer is best for your business: The most profitable option : When we talk about cost, it is important that we compare this cost to the yield generated by the printer rather than the initial price of the product. Laser printers tend to be less expensive than other types of printers, but they may not be as cost-effective in the long run as electronic or multifunction printers because they require many more consumables (paper). Some laser printers offer lower costs per page to electronic or multifunction models, while others use less ink or are cheaper per page. Technological advancements have led manufacturers to take device performance to the next level in terms of speed and efficiency.

What are the different types of professional printers?

Printers are pieces of equipment that have become essential in businesses. They allow you to make photocopies, prints or even scans. Printers can be used by everyone and have a wide variety of features. There are 3 most common types of printers:

  • Laser Printer : It allows you to print a document in black and white at a maximum speed of 20 pages per minute (ppm).
  • Inkjet printer : This printer can print a color document at a maximum speed of 20 ppm.
  • Thermal sublimation printer : It allows printing on special paper such as silver, glossy, coated or matte photo paper depending on the type of paper chosen.

Thermal sublimation is the process of heating a roll containing dye with a hot iron so that it is transferred to the paper support.

What is the best professional printer?

The answer to this question is simple. There is no better professional printer, it all depends on what you want to use it for. Some printers are perfect for small businesses, while others may be ideal for larger organizations. Indeed, there are printers on the market intended for small and medium-sized businesses and others that are designed for large organizations. Some printer models offer more advanced features, such as automatic two-sided scanning or copying. For example, the multifunction printer can be an excellent solution if you want to combine several functions in one device (color copier, scanner and fax). However, it is also important to keep in mind that one machine may not be suitable for every type of business: If your business has a lot of employees who work from home (such as civil servants), you should choose a model that allows mobile printing directly from their laptop or touchscreen tablet . If your company is made up of individual and mobile workers (such as salespeople), you will need to pay attention to the number of people who can use the device simultaneously.

How to choose a professional printer?

You can/should make the necessary comparisons or use our free service to help you choose a professional printer ! There are several types of printers on the market, but sometimes it is difficult to choose the one that best suits your needs. You should also know that printers can be classified into three distinct categories: professional printers, multifunction printers and large format printers. Professional printers are high-performance devices which allow you to perform a wide variety of tasks. Double-sided printing is becoming common, resulting in significant paper savings. In general, professional printers are intended for businesses that have large and regular printing volumes. For example, if you work in a commercial business or an accounting office, purchasing a professional printer is certainly the best solution for you. Multifunction printers are particularly suitable for small structures (small businesses, liberal professions, etc.), because they allow their users to quickly replace all of the equipment dedicated to printing (printer + copier). These devices also allow you to automatically send a scanned document by e-mail to a folder on your computer.

Who are the suppliers of professional printers?

It is not always easy to know which manufacturer to turn to. It is therefore important to choose your supplier carefully and take the time to compare the different offers. To do this, you must first define your needs and expectations. First of all, it should be noted that the printer must meet a specific need : black and white or color printing, A4, A5 format… Then take the time to study the different types of professional printers offered on the market. This will help you better understand the advantages and disadvantages of the different models, particularly in terms of productivity or in terms of the quality of the result obtained. Finally, when your needs are clearly defined and understood by your company or your public administration, there will only be just contact us so that we can put you in contact with a service provider that meets your requirements.

Remember that a professional printer is a essential work tool for all businesses looking for increased productivity and efficiency. This technology offers superior quality, high print speeds and large paper capacity. These printers are generally more expensive than home models, but they offer advanced features such as double-sided printing and automatic duplex functions, which makes it more profitable because your employees will gain efficiency and productivity. Need help choosing your professional printer? Contact without further delay at

What are the differences between a home printer and a professional printer? Thu, 12 Sep 2024 08:36:35 +0000

By definition, the printer is an electronic device that allows you to reproduce documents, photos and images. There are several types: inkjet printers, THE laser printers and the multifunction printers. Inkjet printers are the most common on the market today. They are very easy to use and inexpensive. On the other hand, they are quite noisy and do not allow you to print quality photos. Laser printers are more expensive than inkjet printers, but they can print professional-quality documents with impressive speed. Multifunction printers are the most versatile since they allow you to scan, photocopy and fax your documents.
Printer comparison

What is a professional printer?

A professional printer is equipment that allows you to print documents. It can be used in different contexts and for different types of work. In the business sector, it can be used to edit commercial or administrative documents, such as invoices, quotes or purchase orders. In the home office area, it can be used to print your photos or web pages that you frequently consult. However, there are several types of professional printers on the market today. These types are: Inkjet printers: They are very widespread on the market currently because they allow rapid and qualitative printing. Their biggest drawback is that they consume a lot of ink and tend to jam quite quickly if not maintained properly.

Laser printers : They allow qualitative printing with low consumption of ink and paper, but they sometimes require a fairly long warm-up time before being able to start printing (which is not always practical).

Multifunctions : This type of printer allows you to do different types of printing with just one device and therefore save time on a daily basis!

Why is a business printer different from a home printer?

The home printer is often the solution for printing documents at home. However, we must not forget that home printers have a much lower utilization rate than professional printers. Take the example of a restaurant that has a home printer: it will be used twice a month. In addition, this same company has a professional printer: it will be used every day and the result is better than that obtained with the home printer. When you choose to buy a professional printer, you must take into account the frequency of use of the latter as well as the quality of the final result obtained. Another important aspect to consider is its price: an expensive, high-end model may be more cost-effective in the long run than a low-end, inexpensive printer.

What are the advantages of a professional printer?

L’professional printer is an essential tool for a business. The printer allows you to send documents to customers, but not only that. A professional printer can also be used for business management. A professional printer saves time and money because it is generally less expensive than a professional photocopier or postage machine. It can also be faster than both devices, thereby increasing business productivity. Finally, professional printers are often easier to maintain than other types of printers (photocopiers or franking machines).

The advantages of a professional printer are numerous: Saving time and money: a printer is inexpensive and saves time and money. Increased productivity: if you use compatible cartridges (the same as those sold by the manufacturer) you will be able to reduce your overall paper consumption to benefit from increased productivity thanks to faster printing. Reduced waste: Automatic double-sided printing saves you on paper, further helping to reduce the amount of waste your business produces.

What makes a professional printer more expensive than a home printer?

Standard equipment for a professional printer includes many features that may seem unnecessary to most users. However, these options can be particularly useful for busy work environments, such as an office, sales department, or bank branch. To help you determine what your business needs, here are some of the most important features found on professional models.

It is important to take the time to compare the different offers available on the market and select a model suited to your needs. THE multifunction printers (MFP) ready to use There are two types of multifunction printers: MFP monofunctional, designed to perform a single operation. They are generally used to print documents such as invoices or emails. Multifunctional MFPs, capable of performing several tasks at the same time. They allow businesses to print documents from a computer and use various services such as copying or scanning, for example. Whatever solution your company chooses, it is recommended to have an intuitive and easy-to-use system so that your employees can quickly master the tool and not need the IT department for daily use.

Do professional printers have better print quality?

Professional printers have higher print quality than home printers. This is partly because they offer more features, such as automatic two-sided printing and Wi-Fi connectivity. Office printers are generally less expensive than professional printers, making them an obvious choice for domestic use. However, professional printers offer higher print quality than home printers. Higher-end models are often equipped with a smart printhead system, which allows users to adjust the quantity and size of ink droplets needed for each print to maximize the level of detail across a range media (plain paper, photo paper and others). Additionally, professional printers can be connected via local network or via the Internet to enable easy sharing of data with different devices (laptops, smartphones and tablets).

Can you use a professional printer for home work?

The printer has been designed for professional use and with the aim of producing quality prints. Therefore, it is difficult to find a printer that can be used at home without compromising the quality of the prints. If you absolutely want to be able to print at home, it is better to opt for a model for home use. Furthermore, these printers do not have the necessary functions to guarantee the reliability and speed of home printing jobs. Basic models may tend to slow down when several people are using the same device simultaneously. If you want to benefit from fast, practical and reliable printing, it is better to choose a model specially designed for domestic use.

What are the disadvantages of a professional printer?

The professional printing market is experiencing real enthusiasm. Printers are becoming more and more efficient, with increasingly varied features and prices that are constantly falling. Faced with this observation, printer users do not always know which printer to choose for their professional needs. This article will provide you with all the elements that will allow you to choose the right printer according to your needs and your budget. A home printer is a printer that is not intended for professional use but rather for personal and occasional use. This is the difference between a home printer and a professional printer. The main difference is the type of paper that can be used with the printer.

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What is the minimum duration for renting a professional printer Thu, 12 Sep 2024 08:36:31 +0000

As a general rule, the minimum duration, although very rare, of renting a printer in Brussels is at least 1 year. This duration is minimal because the majority of companies offering professional printer rental offer durations of around 3, 5 or 10 years. This can of course be extended if you wish, but you must then inform the company at least 48 hours before the end of the contract.
Man calculating the minimum duration for printer rental

What is the minimum rental period for a printer in Brussels?

If you want to rent a printer in Brussels, there is a good chance that you will be offered a lease for a minimum period of 3 years. For many customers, this is the ideal formula. In fact, this duration allows you to become familiar with the printer and use it properly.

When you rent a printer in Brussels for a period of more than three years, it is possible, although these are isolated cases, that you will no longer be able to use your equipment as you wanted. If this type of situation occurs, the companies replace your printer and you will then have to rent the printer for another, generally for a new lease for a duration agreed upon at the outset. For more information on the minimum requirements for a commercial lease regarding the use of a professional printer, contact the sales department of the company concerned or contact us at so that we can inform you about the conditions applied by our partners.

How long does it typically take to print a document?

The question: “How long does it typically take to print a document?” » is a classic among customers wanting a reliable and efficient professional printer! To answer this good question, it simply depends on the number of pages and the type of printer. However, there are many factors that can influence printing time. For example, are the ink cartridges used in your printer full? If they are not full, the printing process will take longer because the printer must feed ink to each page before it can be printed. Additionally, if you have a color laser or multifunction printer (i.e. a machine that allows you to print and scan), the average time will be much shorter than other types of printers like jets. ink or photocopiers.

You should know that the type of paper used will also influence the time your printing will take. The thicker the quality of the paper, the longer it will take for a printer to print in printing condition. The different types of paper available have different properties, particularly in terms of strength and weight. Paper that is too heavy can cause excessive toner buildup on the print head, which will take a long time to print. Buy a new printer, or rent a professional printer, can also be a reasonable choice if you want to reduce your carbon footprint as it uses less energy to operate than an older, less efficient version.

What are the different types of printers available for rental?

Although there are different brands (Konica Minolta, Canon, Sony, Epson, etc.), there are also different types of professional printers and it is important to know how to identify them in order to make the best possible choice, depending on the needs and of the budget of the company that wishes to equip itself.

Concretely, there are three main categories of printers: inkjet printers (the most widespread) laser printers (the oldest technology) multifunction printers (mixed).

Are there any restrictions on using the printer?

However, don’t forget! Using a professional printer requires respecting certain safety and environmental rules. Indeed, printers can contain toxic substances which can be inhaled or ingested and cause damage to people and nature. Therefore, carefully follow the instructions given on the printers and their accessories.

An often forgotten element is supply. And this supply takes on its full meaning in 2022 with the health crisis as well as the war. When you select a service provider, it is therefore necessary to choose a printer whose components are easily accessible to be able to carry out an exchange in the event of a malfunction or technical problem. At, we contact different partners to increase the probability of having stock and thus reduce the supply time. In addition, although this case is extremely rare, ensure compatibility: if the printer is not compatible with your computer system, it may be unusable.

A professional printer must be maintained. For what ? Because the professional printer must be maintained regularly to ensure its proper functioning. Please note that professional printers are subject to regulations which require periodic checks and technical verifications. Specific standards must also be met regarding fire protection and electromagnetic compatibility (EMF). Manufacturers also define maximum limits for certain components present on their device in order to guarantee their proper functioning and combat noise pollution. In any case, if you use a professional printer within your company, it is advisable to follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer to ensure its longevity and proper functioning.

What are the costs associated with renting a printer?

The cost of renting a printer depends on the type of printer you use, the duration for which you rent the device and the conditions associated with this rental (maintenance, repairs, etc.). For example, not all ink cartridges are included in the rental price, and some companies also charge for “maintenance” in the event of a breakdown or other problems. Which is normal in the sector.

The cost may also depend on the technical specifications of the printer. It is of course possible to obtain a quote for rental and maintenance on request before signing the printer rental contract.

How can I reserve a printer?

Do you need a professional printer? Contact without further delay! Also, although this article is related to rental, depending on the type of printer you want, it is possible to rent or buy it. Laser printers are in high demand because they offer a relatively low cost per page and high printing speed. Inkjet printers are ideal for color printing, but the cost per page is still quite high.

There are different types of printers available for rental: Multifunction printers (MFP) – These allow you to photocopy documents or even scan documents. Monochrome laser printers – These are usable only for black and white printing, which generally saves on cost per page. Color laser printers – These are the most expensive but they provide very precise results in terms of quality and colors. Thermal printers – They do not require the use of ink and can be used for any type of printing thanks to a special thermal ribbon placed on the rear glass. Portable printer – This is intended for people who often work in the field, such as traveling salespeople or maintenance technicians who need to be able to hang a copy on the wall while they do their work (to do this, they need ‘a fixed printer).

Where can I find a printer to rent in Brussels?

If you are a business, you can’t bet everything on a nearby printing company! On the one hand for the price but also for the printing time and ease. To print numerous documents, it is important to have a professional printer at your disposal. To meet this demand, companies offer professional printers for rental.

In full transparency, there are individuals who also rent their machines to other people, which can be a short-term solution… but not at all practical because they do not have a VAT number and they have the same problems as the printing works in Brussels. If you want to buy a machine that is both efficient and durable, it is recommended to choose a high-end model. To find the best deals on professional printers available in Brussels, simply contact us.

On average, to start renting a printer in Brussels, it takes at least 2 weeks. This duration is necessary to allow companies to establish an offer and deliver the professional printer to you.

Can a professional printer be used for personal purposes Thu, 12 Sep 2024 08:36:28 +0000

A professional printer is designed for intensive and regular use because it needs to be as profitable as possible for a business. It is therefore more robust than a personal printer. However, there are professional printers that can be used for personal purposes. However, you have to be careful because some so-called “professional” printers are not really professional and can be very expensive. You must therefore find out carefully before choosing your printer model.
Man using his pro printer

What are the differences between a professional printer and a personal printer?

Professional printers are devices intended for professional use and more particularly for businesses (SMEs, VSEs). They allow you to produce superior quality prints, in particular thanks to their printing speed or their printing resolution. There are different types of professional printers: laser printers, inkjet printers and multifunction printers. These machines offer high printing speed, which significantly reduces the time spent compared to other types of printers. Inkjet printers and multifunctions are fairly simple machines to use because they do not require the installation of specific software or drivers. All you have to do is plug the machine into your computer to start printing. Laser printers are more suitable for businesses requiring large printing volumes. Indeed, these have a very good printing speed and therefore allow production much more quickly than the other types of machines mentioned above. When we talk about a personal printer, we rather mean a device that is intended for the general public and not for professionals. The majority of private users use this type of machine to carry out their daily printing, both personal and professional (office).

Why is a professional printer more expensive than a home printer?

A professional printer is more expensive than a home printer because it can be used for a large number of tasks. In fact, a personal printer cannot print photos and other documents. Using a professional printer is therefore much more cost-effective. A professional printer offers many advanced features that allow you to perform various operations such as double-sided printing and scanning to USB drive or memory card. These functions are very practical for companies that want to easily perform different tasks remotely, for example. Multifunction printers are also a good choice for businesses with large printing needs. However, if you are not looking for particular features or if you do not need them, a simple personal printer will be more than sufficient for your professional activity.

What are the advantages of using a professional printer?

The professional printer is a very practical tool for workers. Today, there is a wide variety of professional printer models on the market. When shopping for a printer, there are a few things you need to consider so you can choose the printer that best suits your needs. Here are some of the benefits that using a professional printer can offer: Save time and reduce costs Printing is often time-consuming and tedious. A professional printer helps reduce this time thanks to the different features it offers, such as automatic double-sided scanning or automatic double-sided printing. Using a professional printer can also reduce costs because it does not require a large initial investment such as print heads or ink cartridges. This therefore means that you can benefit from a more competitive price compared to your old printer.

Are there any downsides to using a professional printer?

You have decided to purchase a professional printer, but you do not know if this solution is best suited to your business. If you are a professional who wants to buy a professional printer, it is worth taking into account the different advantages and disadvantages that this type of device can offer. The advantages of a professional printer? A professional printer offers many advantages, such as greater ease of use and reduced costs. The professional printer is the essential tool for businesses that need high-quality, fast or double-sided printing. This technology makes it possible to make significant savings on the paper and ink used for each print. The devices are generally equipped with intelligent functions such as double-sided scanning or the automatic document feeder (ADF). In addition, the professional printer allows users to deal with various printing-related issues. In fact, it can connect to the local network, allowing nomadic employees to always be connected to it in order to quickly print important documents without disrupting the work of other people in the office. Some models offer WiFi connection allowing you to print directly from your smartphone or iPad or Android tablet for example.

What is the best professional printer on the market?

When you are a professional and you work in a company, the printer is undoubtedly the device that allows you to carry out different tasks. There are a wide variety of models on the market, which makes selecting a printer more or less complicated. This is why certain parameters must be taken into account. Print quality is certainly one of the most important criteria to consider before choosing your printer. Resolution is often defined as the image size per inch (dpi). The higher it is, the better it will be for images and other graphics. Not all printers are created equal in terms of print quality, as some can produce blurry or jagged images. To obtain correct results, you should know that the resolution must be between 4800 x 600 x 1200 and 4800 x 1200 dpi. Also check if your device has built-in Wi-Fi so you can easily share documents with colleagues or clients via a wireless network. When you buy a printer on the Internet, do not hesitate to do a practical test before the final purchase to see if it is suitable for your daily use.

What are the criteria to take into account when choosing a professional printer?

A professional printer is a device which, in an office environment, allows you to print documents. It can be used by everyone. This device is available in several types and different brands. To be sure to choose the right model, you must take into account certain important criteria. Print quality When choosing a professional printer, it is important to take into account the type of printing it offers. Indeed, each model has a specific range to meet particular needs: color or black and white printing; double-sided printing or not; monochrome or polychrome printing… Features Many elements must be taken into consideration before purchasing a professional printer: printing speed; integrated options and functions as well as connectivity. This is entirely possible and it is called a multifunction printer.

Is professional printer leasing possible with all types of printers? Thu, 12 Sep 2024 08:36:20 +0000

You certainly know this, but leasing is a rental contract which allows you to use a property in return for the payment of an amount such as the equivalent of real estate rent. This is a very interesting solution for professionals who wish to acquire equipment without having to pay the full price of the purchase. Leasing is possible with all types of printers, whatever the brand, but you must take into account certain criteria to choose the contract suited to your needs.
Business owner who has just signed a leasing contract for professional printers

What is professional printer leasing?

L’professional printer has a much longer lifespan than mainstream models. It allows for significant savings in the long term. When investing in professional equipment, it is essential to take into account the duration of use of the latter. Leasing allows you to rent your equipment to a company and thus pay the initial cost and expenses related to the project while having the possibility of purchasing the equipment when the contract comes to an end. Indeed, this formula allows professionals, particularly VSEs or SMEs, to not have to pay capital to finance their IT equipment. The company purchasing the printer chooses the duration of the contract (generally 12 to 60 months) and can even opt for partial or total financing of the purchased equipment.

What are the advantages of leasing a professional printer?

In 2022, more and more companies will turn to a professional printer leasing solution. This financial option allows businesses to benefit from a professional printer without the burden of the initial payment. It is possible to opt for a rental contract which can be concluded for a fixed or indefinite period. Leasing offers the advantage of being able to finance the acquisition of a professional printer through a kind of leasing, thus avoiding the costs linked to the repurchase and resale of goods. This operation can be carried out on new or reconditioned goods. When you opt for this financial solution, it is important to take into account different criteria so that the contract is suitable: The choice of type of financing (financial rental or leasing); There duration of contract (determined or indefinite duration); The conditions relating to the property (purchase option); The possibility of setting up a annual technical inspection ; The possibility of changing the supplier if the manufacturer does not meet expectations; The amount of monthly fees as well as additional charges (if they exist).

What are the disadvantages of leasing a professional printer?

The advantages of professional printer leasing are numerous. Printer leasing is a solution that is both practical and economical, which allows you to benefit from the best equipment and renew it over the years. However, leasing a professional printer can also be associated with certain disadvantages. The main disadvantage of rented professional printers is their high monthly cost. Although the price of the printer is not very high, it does not constitute a barrier for most companies, because the investment is amortized over several years. On the other hand, if the costs associated with the purchase represent a significant part of the monthly budget devoted to printing, it will be difficult to justify such an investment. Renting also often generates significant additional costs: filing fees (so that the device is made available to you), insurance costs (if you opt for an all-inclusive plan), etc. When you rent a professional printer, you will also have to pay various other costs: costs related to used cartridges or toners (cartridges must be replaced regularly) and other administrative services (CONTRACT…).

What is the cost of leasing a professional printer?

It is important for a business to choose a professional printer model that meets its needs. Furthermore, you also need to know the cost of leasing a professional printer. In this context, we will explain to you how to calculate the cost of leasing a professional printer and what other advantages the company can obtain from leasing. Indeed, the primary goal of leasing financing is to provide a simple and easy way to finance any type of computer or office equipment. Companies can opt either for financial leasing or for cash purchase depending on the real needs in terms of IT and office equipment. For the calculation, it is necessary to take into consideration the total cost of interest paid by the company during the rental period because it varies according to several parameters:

  • The duration of the contract
  • The useful life of the equipment
  • Personal use or not

The costs linked to leasing financing vary greatly and include in particular the following costs:

  • Annual Percentage Rate (APR)
  • Additional costs (additional administrative costs.)

You should therefore contact your bank to obtain a personalized quote including these various costs linked to leasing financing.

Is professional printer leasing easy to set up?

This is a question that many professionals ask themselves when they want to purchase a printer. Is it easy to rent or buy a professional printer? The answer is yes… and no, hence the presence of our service. For more information, contact us!

What are the other options for professional printers?

If you are wondering if there are other options than buying or leasing a professional printer, the answer is yes! There are several options for professional printers. You can turn to printers for individuals. If you choose a laser printer, be sure to check the quality of the printer before purchasing it. Laser printers tend to be less expensive than other types of printers, but they use toner that is thrown away when not used. Ink cartridges can be expensive and are often difficult to find. There are also cheaper versions of color inkjet models, which means they cannot produce as many pages as their black and white counterparts. Before investing in a lower-end printer, consult the documentation to find out if it will be compatible with your company’s machines and if it will be sufficient to properly run your business (waiting times, breakdowns, etc.). Finally, it is important to carefully review the technical features and specifications before making a final decision on the type of printer you will need for your business. Indeed, printer leasing is possible with all types of printers. There are no particular restrictions. Of course, a printer for €200 unless it is worth leasing

Avoid problems with professional printer support Thu, 12 Sep 2024 08:36:16 +0000

Printer leasing is a solution that allows you to rent computer and office equipment for a specific period of time, in our case: renting a professional printer. This formula is particularly suitable for companies which do not need this equipment permanently or which wish to have the best possible equipment without having to maintain it themselves. Indeed, renting a printer or photocopier can be an interesting solution for businesses that need this equipment occasionally. Printer leasing is therefore entirely suitable for the majority of businesses in Belgium!
Man following the instructions to use his professional printer

Why choose printer leasing?

Rent your professional printer allows you to benefit from the following advantages: You no longer worry about purchasing, maintaining and replacing toners. You don’t have to worry about recycling or waste treatment. You are free to use your equipment as you wish, while benefiting from specific conditions linked to the use you make of the equipment. Thus, if this equipment is used to produce large volume prints (thousands per month), the contract includes a guarantee against breakdowns and even some also against theft insurance. If you currently have one or more printers and breakdowns are frequent, it may be interesting to opt for a printer lease over several years. This will guarantee you a lower reimbursement rate per month than if you had taken a shorter duration but above all it will allow you to benefit from special assistance from companies that are experts in professional printers. Finally, when the equipment is intended for intensive use, the ideal is to opt for several printers if space allows.

The different types of printer leasing

Clearly, in the majority of businesses, as a professional: you need a printer. Acquiring this professional tool can be expensive for a company, but it is possible to opt for printer leasing. Leasing is a rental contract concluded by which the tenant (the professional) pays rent and returns the rented object at the end of the contract. There are different types of leasing:

  • Financial leasing which allows the professional to pay monthly payments over a fixed period, in return for the payment of a fixed rent.
  • Operational leasing which consists of acquiring an asset without having to pay VAT and the costs linked to its acquisition. This type of financing does not necessarily include payment of costs linked to its use (maintenance, consumables, etc.).
  • Recovery leasing which offers complete guarantees (supplier debts) concerning equipment purchased through leasing. In this case, the lessee is responsible for repaying the rented equipment himself via a predefined deadline.

Who are the main printer leasing providers?

Printing is one of the most important elements in every business. Indeed, it is essential to be able to print all types of documents on different formats in order to be able to work efficiently. However, the price can sometimes prove to be an obstacle for a company wishing to purchase a professional printer. Printer leasing providers therefore offer solutions adapted to the specific needs of companies and professionals in the printing world. Financial rental or printer leasing consists of renting a professional printer against the monthly payment of a fixed rent defined upon signing the contract. The expected rental amount may vary depending on the initial price of the printer, the service offered and the duration chosen by the customer. When you opt for this type of offer, you do not need to make a large investment upfront. In addition, this allows companies in the field of IT or office automation services to focus on the skills that constitute their strength, rather than those that constitute their weak point. Furthermore, financial leasing presents various advantages for the customer: It firstly allows the lessee-operator (company) having acquired a new machine via this financing system to ensure that it will always have the technical resources necessary for the proper operation of the equipment for the entire duration agreed by contract (generally 3-5 years).

If there is a problem, how do I call a technician?

Faced with the technical problems that may arise, you should know that most of the time, failures of your professional printer are due to a human problem or due to use. To avoid being confronted with this type of problem, it is important to opt for assistance with your leasing formula. So, in the event of a breakdown, where the easiest thing would have been to contact the manufacturer to make an appointment with a technician, you just need to call a number and professionals will come and resolve the problem. The professional will offer you a quick and efficient intervention so that you can regain all the functionalities of your machine. Repairing technical breakdowns is often included if it does not require sending the equipment to the manufacturer. If this should happen, you should know that there are alternative solutions for calling after-sales service (after-sales service). In short, printer leasing is a solution that allows you to equip yourself with printers without having to pay too much money. Printer leasing allows you to rent the device for a given period, generally from 12 months to 5 years, then buy it back at the end of the contract. When you choose printer leasing, you need to look at whether the technicians are available quickly and whether they work throughout Belgium.

How many printers do you need for your business? Thu, 12 Sep 2024 08:36:11 +0000

Buying a professional printer for your business is a strategic question that many business leaders ask themselves. In fact, it is an essential element for a certain number of activities and choosing the right model can sometimes be complicated. In this section, you will find advice on purchasing a professional printer adapted to the specific needs of your business and optimizing your purchase.
Man calculating the number of photocopies he makes

What type of professional printer should you buy?

Choosing a professional printer can be simple or complex depending on your needs and the use you want to make of it. There are three main categories of professional printers: laser printers, inkjet printers, and 3D printers (but we won’t talk much about this type in our article).

  • Laser printers are particularly suitable for businesses that print in large quantities and need high resolution and print quality. They are generally more expensive to purchase, but more economical to use because they offer better quality and a longer lifespan.
  • Inkjet printers are perfect for businesses that do little printing and want print quality. They are typically used to print photos on matte or glossy photo paper
  • 3D printers are suitable for businesses that want to print objects in 3 dimensions. They are very expensive to purchase, but offer unlimited possibilities and exceptional quality of finish.

How to choose a professional printer?

Choosing a professional printer should be made taking into account the specific needs of your business. It is crucial to consider print quality, speed and reliability of the hardware. It is also important to think about the size of the printer, its connectivity (USB, Wi-Fi, Ethernet, etc.), its compatibility with the operating system and software used and the ease of use. You can also take noise and energy consumption into account.

Many manufacturers offer high-quality professional printers, including HP, Brother and Epson. It is advisable to choose a printer that meets the specific needs of your business and provides optimal performance. For example, HP laser printers are perfect for businesses that print in large quantities, while HP inkjet printers are ideal for businesses that print small and on a budget.

Should you buy or rent a professional printer?

Your business can choose between purchasing and leasing a professional printer. The choice depends on the use you want to make of it and the budget you have.

  • Buying a professional printer is a good option if you have a large budget and want to use it for the long term. By purchasing your own printer, you will have the confidence that it meets your needs and that you will not be limited by a rental contract.
  • Renting a professional printer is a good option if you want to keep the initial cost low and don’t need to use it long term. Renting allows you to have quality equipment and renew it regularly without having to worry about maintenance or replacement costs.

How many printers should I buy or rent?

The number of printers to purchase or rent depends on the number of employees and the specific needs of your business.

  • If your company has many employees, it is advisable to purchase a multifunction printer for each employee. Multifunction printers are very convenient because they allow you to print, scan and copy from a single device.
  • If your business does not need a large quantity of prints, you can opt for a simple, less expensive, but sufficiently efficient printer. HP inkjet printers are perfect for small businesses because they offer high print quality and wireless connectivity.
  • If your business has specific needs, it is advisable to rent specialized equipment. For example, 3D printers are ideal for companies that want to print objects in 3 dimensions.

How to optimize the purchase or rental of a professional printer?

There are several ways to optimize the purchase or rental of a professional printer.

  • Above all, it is essential to compare the different printers and choose a model adapted to the specific needs of your business. Be sure to check the cost, quality and reliability of the material.
  • Subsequently, it is advisable to look at the different offers offered by manufacturers and suppliers, because they most often offer preferential rates for professional customers.
  • Finally, it is possible to rent a printer for a limited period and renew it regularly so that you always have the best equipment.

In summary: purchasing or renting a professional printer, an essential choice for your business

Purchasing or leasing a professional printer is a strategic choice that can have a significant impact on the performance of your business. It is crucial to take the time to carefully compare the different options and choose a model adapted to the specific needs of your business.

By choosing a model that matches your needs, you will be able to achieve high print quality, reliability and optimal performance. If you want to save money, you can opt for rental, which will allow you to always have quality equipment and to renew it regularly.

You now know how to choose and optimize the purchase or rental of a professional printer for your business. What will be your choice?
